Its great to have you here mingling and interacting with our community. Zim Schools Hub is a platform showcasing all primary and secondary schools in Zimbabwe, as well as tech colleges complete with contact information, description and history,
We also have a vibrant community where each school has a forum to update, inform and educate students on academia, sport, culture and more. Want to raise money for a cause at your school? You will have an opportunity to do that on your page to do so.
Students can interact and teach each other and research on academic subjects, ask questions,answer them, recommend, review, get tips and more with strict moderation. Want to chat about sport, politics, jobs or business? You can because you have a voice here and it will be heard.
Are you a member of staff at your local school? Why not recommend claiming your page to your head teacher. Its best to do that instead of us adding the information.
Parents can also learn more about local schools whats on offer in terms of resources, places and more. Everyone is welcome to join us and contribute to the hub.
Ready to get started, Login or Register Now. Everyone is invited!
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